Coda is one of the new web development tools for the Mac – and it’s popular amongst designers and developers. Panic (the developers of Coda) are also known for their sharp design. Now, we can have a fancy popup bubble tooltips with jQuery. Remy Sharp from jQueryforDesigners has showed us how to re-create their ‘puff’ popup bubble shown when you mouse over the download image. In essence the effect is just a simple combination of effect.
This effect could be perfected by changing the initial reset (popup.css()) code to read from the trigger element and approximate it’s position. In the example, jQueryforDesigners has hardcoded it because he only has one on the page – but you may want to use this effect several times across your page.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free

Yes, we all love Google Analytics. However, it does not stop us looking at other good alternatives. W3Counter is your free, hosted website analytics solution for answering the key questions about your website: who’s your audience, how they find your site, and what interests them. There’s no installation, no configuration, and tracking starts as soon as you copy-and-paste a snippet of code into your website. Here is a list of features you can find on W3Counter, but not on Google Analytics.
Follow Your Visitors
Since W3Counter’s service is truly real-time, you can follow visitors as they browse your website. See who’s online at any time and their entire path from referring source to the page they’re currently viewing. Plus, view detailed activity for visitors that have recently left your site as well.
Visitor Identification
Label your visitors, as easily as installing a plugin on a WordPress blog or adding a few lines of JavaScript to your membership or customer-based website. Your labels will appear in your reports of online and recent visitors, where you can view all the past activity of each member or customer on your website.
Web Stats Widgets
Share your web stats with the world. Embed them in your website or blog with 7 different widgets including visitor maps, top pages, top searches, weekly visit graphs and a live feed of the most recent people on your site. You can even pull up a click overlay of your site without logging in to W3Counter.
Tracking Feedburner Feed Stats
You can track your Feedburner Feed Stats easily with W3Counter. It shows Circulation, Hits and Reach for your Feedburner account by using Feedburner API. It also shows us a beautiful line chart for your RSS Stats as well.

Many small website owners remain on the free plan. However, free accounts are limited to websites receiving under 5,000 daily page views.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
Font Cubes is where you can find the a lot of free PC fonts and free Mac Fonts from the best font artists in the world. You can download any fonts easily by clicking the “Download” button. Registering as a member will allow you to access Font Cubes’s unique font management system. By registering, you could keep track on your favourite fonts by fontmarking them and asside of that, you could also use the system to keep track of font you have used in your project as well. However, the fonts listed in Font Cubes are the font author’s property. Please contact the authors for further consultation regarding the use of the listed fonts for.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
EasyCGI ranked among the top 10 Web Hosting provides worldwide consistently with their focuses on Windows Hosting services. They also are known for offering quality support and low cost hosting packages. EasyCGI has received quite a lot of positive feedback from current clients and good reputation recently.
Now, EasyCGI has offered WebAppers Readers a Special Offer of $1.99 for the first 3 months on any shared hosting plan. EasyCGI is providing us Microsoft Windows Server 2008 which is the most advanced Windows Server operation system yet, designed to power the next-generation of networkd, applications and web services. With Windows Server 2008, you can develop, deliver and manage rich user experiences.

Along with the shared hosting plan, you can get 350GB of Disk Space, 3,500 GB of Monthly Bandwidth, 50 MySQL Databases and 24/7 Phone and Email Support. They also provide us some free DNN Script Installation Tool, FastCGI, PHP 5 Support, Web Traffic Reports and Site Builders to aid our web development as well.
Take advantage of this exclusive offer for any of their shared hosting plan. If you do not like Linux Server, EasyCGI might be a good alternative for you. You can Sign Up here now.
Springloops is a code collaboration platform with dedicated features for web development. The most important one is the Deployment. You can deploy your code changes to many servers and keep them up-to-date without a need of thinking what files were changed, who change them and what is already online. It can let you develop your projects in a safe and efficient way.
Springloops service is based on Subversion hosting. And also, they have a unique Ajax source code browser and nice changes views which is rich in information and simple to read.

What they say about themselves:
“Springloops is a unique source code management tool focused on web development teams. It allows you to code in parallel and share your code safely concentrated on results, not on lost changes or overwritten files. You get rapid collaboration in protected space. Thanks to the project management perspective it serves the getting things done attitude. Moreover, Springloops reduces repeatable activities in your day-to-day work. It makes great things simple.â€
Springloops provides us a free plan as well. You can sign up and try it out yourself now.
ColorToy 2.0 is a Flash based color scheme generator and picker. It generates complementary color schemes based on your inputted color values or randomly. There are three ways to use ColorToy.

1. Enter a RGB value. e.g. 211,21,52 and hit “Submit RGB”. ColorToy 2.0 will then generate your complementary color scheme.
2. Enter a HEX value e.g. #c0ffee and hit “Submit Hex”. ColorToy 2.0 will then generate your complementary color scheme based on your HEX value.
3. Hitting “Random” will generate a random color and associated complementary color scheme. Go on, give it a click.
You can also check out the collection of other useful Color Scheme Generators we have mentioned on WebAppers a while ago.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
noobSlide is a mootools based slide show gallery. You can see 7 different styles of images galleries / slide shows. I think they are working smoothly and looking nice. However, I particular like example 6 and 7. If your web application / website is already using mootools, noobSlide is definitely a good choice to power your image gallery. noobSlide is licensed under MIT License.

Requirements: Mootools Framework
License: MIT License
ddmenu is a simple MooTools-based script to create you’re own context menus. The Menu Appearance is adapted to the System Content Menu behavior. You can enable or disable any selected menu items. Users can switch between ddmenu and browser default context menu easily. Menu styling can be easily defined in external stylesheet as well. At last, It has full A-Graded browsers support which has been tested on Firefox 2, Safari 3, Internet Explorer 6/7, Opera 9 under Windows. Firefox 2, Safari 3 under Mac OS X.

Requirements: Mootools framework
License: MIT License
Creating accessible Web2.0 applications can be a tricky process. Many of the advanced widgets and controls we develop today don’t exist in the current HTML specification — there is no “slider” element. So Filament Group has developed an accessible slider based on the core principle of progressive enhancement with jQuery.
Filament Group designed and developed an accessible slider with a very nice interface which allows users to choose one or a range of values on a continuum. Values on a slider can represent anything from hours on a clock to the volume on a music player to a complex, proprietary data set. In its simplest form, the slider is displayed as an axis of values with a handle to drag and select a value, or two handles for selecting a range.

The code is open source and licensed under GPL. You can view source to grab the code from this working example.
Requirements: jQuery
License: GPL License
Google App Engine is a developer tool that enables you to run your web applications on Google’s infrastructure. The goal is to make it easy to get started with a new web application, and then make it easy to scale when that app reaches the point where it’s receiving significant traffic and has millions of users.
Google App Engine enables you to build web applications on the same scalable systems that power Google applications. It also provides an API for authenticating your users. If you choose to use this, anyone with a valid Google Account may sign in your application. It saves you some time on building users registration and managing users accounts. At the moment, every Google App Engine application can use up to 500MB of persistent storage and enough bandwidth and CPU for 5 million monthly page views which I think it is more than enough for a startup.

This is only a preview release of Google App Engine. For now, account registrations are limited to the first 10,000 developers, and applications are restricted to the free account limits. Go and grab your account now!
Requirements: –
License: License Free