Digistore Ecommerce is a fully featured store based on the popular osCommerce engine. Boasting improvements both to the administration and the end user experience – Digistore has quickly become a popular choice for people wishing to market products online.
Digistore allows users to be ‘live’ and selling only minutes after installation is complete. Digistore is a full content management system that requires no HTML or programming knowledge to operate. Now available for download completely free of charge under the General Public License Agreement.

You can see Digistore Demo Shop from the screenshot above. It works like otherEcommerce software solutions. Add items to cart and then checkout, you can also view your cart items on the left hand side any time.

Digistore Admin Area above is clean and easy to use. Digistore has the following Exclusive Features as well.
- HTMLarea ( WYSIWYG editor) help
- Advanced template colour and layout control help
- Instore advertisement manager help
- Thumbnail and large product images
- Express checkout option
- Secure administration login and access control
You can view all features and requirements here.
Requirements: PHP Server with MySQL
Demo: http://digistore.co.nz/
License: GPL License
Nowadays everybody knows that javascript can be used to validate input data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a server. Despite of that, when there are many fields in the form, the JavaScript validation becomes too complex and boring to code. That’s why fValidator exists, with it form validations are many times easier. fValidator is compatible and tested in Internet Explorer, Firefox (and its mozilla friends), Opera and Safari.
*** It works perfect with iMask as it’s complement.

Requirements: Any Modern Browsers
Demo: http://zend.lojcomm.com.br/fvalidator/exampleB.asp
License: MIT License
NicEdit is a Javascript/AJAX inline content editor to allow easy editing of web site content on the fly in the browser. It integrates into any site in seconds to make any element/div editable or convert standard textareas to rich text editing.
NicEdit was created as an alternative for the complexity, many files and large download size (> 200KB) of popular WYSIWYG editors such as TinyMCE and FCKEditor. It implements many of the standard rich text features like these editors but is easier to integrate without impact on download size. Small file size <35KB Total, <10KB Compressed! Only 2 files (js + icons) required for operation.

Requirements: IE 5.5+, FF 2+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+
Demo: http://nicedit.com/
License: MIT License
Starbox allows you to easily create all kinds of rating boxes using just one PNG image. The library is build on top of the Prototype javascript framework. For some extra effects you can add Scriptaculous as well. Check the demos to see what Starbox is all about and read on for more information on how to customize your own Starboxes. Starbox has the following main features.
- Rerating allows you to adjust your previous rating.
- You can easily save your rating with Ajax using the build in callback.
- Improvements to the CSS model, allowing you to style the Starbox based on status (hover, rated and locked).
- Better seperation of Javascript, CSS and images.
- A ghosting bar that tracks your average.
- Custom event ‘starbox:rated’ is fired when your rate.
- Batched building of Starboxes based on cached overlay images.

Requirements: IE6+, Firefox 1.5.x+, Opera9.x+, Safari, Konqueror
Demo: http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/starbox/
License: License Free
One month ago, we celebrated our 3,000 readers blog milestone and gave away 2 custom logo designs. Now, we are celebrating our new blog milestone – 4,000 readers. We love giving stuff away to our readers, this time we managed to get some really cool stuff from one of the best icon stores – Icon Drawer.
Professional look of your software or website is quite important for the success. Icon Drawer provides us some high quality royalty-free icons for your software, web site, GUI design or presentations. They have done some excellent custom icons for Mac OS X and few Win XP applications as well. Have a look at their portfolio , you will be amazed by the quality of the icons. Here are some of the custom icons they have made for their clients.

Icon Drawer agreed to offer 3 copies of “Classic Pack” icon sets (Totol: $252) which contains 140 high quality icons for toolbar, web sites and presentations to readers of WebAppers. All icon sizes are 48×48, 32×32, 24×24, 16×16 with 4 different icon formats: ICNS, TIF, PNG, Win XP ICO.

To participate is Easy. You can leave a comment or publish a post about this event.
*You can do both.
I will pick 1 Lucky Winner from people who left a comment under this post about interesting thing(s) at Christmas.
I will also pick 2 other Lucky Winners from people who published a post about this event on their websites / blogs.
Deadline of this event on 31 Dec 2007.
Uni-Form is an attempt to standardize form markup (xhtml) and css, “modularize” it, so even people with only basic knowledge of these technologies can get nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, semantic, accessible and usable forms.
Plug and play style. Download the uni-form.zip and you’re pretty much all set! It is encouraged to edit css properties only in the uni-form.css file, so you can easily upgrade to the newer versions as they come along by copying over the old copy of the uni-form-generic.css.

Requirements: IE6+, Firefox 1.5.x+, Opera9.x+, Safari, Konqueror
Demo: http://dnevnikeklektika.com/uni-form/
License: Creative Commons License
FreelanceSwitch which has over 17,000 readers, has released their first FreelanceSwitch book which covers everything from getting started to expanding your business. The book is called How to Be a Rockstar Freelancer which is written by Collis & Cyan Ta’eed – the founders of the site – it’s packed with new information, advice and insights not covered on the blog.
The book with 212 Pages of Expert Freelancing Advices is available now for $29 only.
Source: Grab Your Copy Now
IT Mill Toolkit is an open-source user interface framework, prividing widgets and tools for the development of high-quality web applications. You can create stunning Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) without worrying about incompatibilities of web browsers, DOM or JavaScript by using standard Java tools. Use traditional OOP methods to build web applications that look good and feel right.
Effortless RIA Development
- Build Rich Internet Applications using Java language utilizing OO methods: inheritance and composition.
- Dozens of AJAX-enabled widgets for Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) that work with all major browsers.
- No need to learn new web technologies such as JavaScript, DOM, taglibs, etc.
- Secure server-side programming model keeps your application data secured from JavaScript threats
- Extend and build your own user interface components using Google Web Toolkit – again in Java language.
- Pluggable look and feel using standard CSS: re-brand whole applications fast – in just a few hours.
- Compatible with all standard Java application servers, including JBoss, WebLogic and WebSphere and Oracle.
- Wide range of supported browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Requirements: Java versions: 1.4, 5 and 6
Demo: http://www.itmill.com/itmill-toolkit/demos.htm
License: Apache 2.0 License

Mosso provides web designers and developers with reliable hosting services. Fast and reliable connections to Mosso-hosted websites are achieved because the Company has the support of Rackspace Managed Hosting, an industry leader that currently manages 30,000+ servers for customers all over the world.
To stand out from other hosting companies, Mosso offers a unique hosting solution called Hosting System. It is advanced, enterprise-level hosting technology developed by Mosso that absolutely outweighs running your own server and with less cost. With $100/month, you can enjoy the following features.
80GB Storage Space with 2,000GB Bandwidth
Mosso offers you 80GB Storage Space with unbeatable 2,000GB of monthly bandwidth. You can have as many sites, email addresses and databases as you like.
Pretty and Easy to Use Control Panel
You can setup and manage your websites easily with powerful control panel. If you provide hosting solutions to your clients, they will have their own control panel as well.

Mixture of Windows and Linux TrueHybrid Technology
You can run both Linux technology (PHP and MySQL) and Windows Technology (ASP and .NET) on the same website.
Backup Your Backups
Mosso eliminates single point of failure with RAID technology. They backup your backups and backup their backups as well. There is no need for you to worry about data lost.
To set up and get the server running at Mosso is within minutes. If you are going to provide web design and hosting solutions, you may transfer the support, tedious billing & invoicing jobs of your clients to Mosso at very competitive cost. Mosso will do all these hassle as follows for you.
24-hour Phone and Chat Support
You can choose to outsource the support service for some or all of your domains. It includes 24-hour phone and chat support for $3/month per supported domain only.
Client Billing and Invoicing
You may pick whom you would like to bill and how much you would like to charge. Mosso will collect the fees from your customers and make ACH deposit each month into your back account. It cost only $2 or 4% of the transaction.
One more interesting thing
Mosso is partnering with Native Energy, and their goals are to make their hosting operation completely carbon neutral and to invest in projects that bring more clean energy into the power grid. You can view more details on Native Energy’s website. You can’t really go wrong with Mosso, because they know what to do for mankind. ïŠ
To be honest, I am really happy with the hosting solution Mosso provides when I am writing this review. It is really tempting to switch WebAppers hosting to Mosso especially when I intend to develop some more blogs/websites soon. If I plan to join the web design business, Mosso will be one of my picks for web hosting. Much resource (manpower and money) will be saved as I would let Mosso to deal with customer support and related matters. Hoping Mosso can sponsor the hosting for WebAppers. ; )
All professional web developers and web designers on WebAppers, please vote for your favorite Social News and Social Bookmarking, and Start Pages for the Open Web Awards, a distributed contest to find the best sites on the web. The top three sites in these categories will proceed to the final round starting December 17th, and there will be an awards ceremony at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco on January 10th, 2008.