Password Strength Meters are becoming more and more popular amongst web services. Google uses one when creating a Google account. The password strength meters wil be updated for every key input the user types. So how does one go about making one of these meters? Code and Coffee created one for us, it calculates how many different combinations there are for the password you enter, then determine how many days it would take to crack your password. The algorithm returns a percentage that he then in turn convert to a nice GUI for the end user to see.
Requirements: Modern Browser with Javascript Enabled
License: License Free

Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing. Some people think this is not necessary to have a framework for just CSS. On the other side, some people think CSS frameworks is there to improve effeciency and give you a better start from the gate. You decide.
As a result of this unexpected surge in traffic, the entire project has moved to Google Code.
Requirements: No Requirements
License: MIT License
How do you package your application? Have a look at these, they have done a really good job. They should be able to give you some inspiration of designing your website or web application in Mac style as well.
1. Disco – Mac Disc Burning

2. Versions – Mac Subversion Client

3. Checkout – Point of Sale for Mac

4. Pixelmator – Image Editing for the Rest of Us

5. KiINVOICE – Invoicing Made Simple

6. Delicious Library – Catelog, Browse and Share Your Stuff

7. Warehouse – Subversion Browser

8. Coda – One-Window Web Development for Mac

9. CSSEdit – Web 2.0 in Style

10. Cha-Ching – Fun and Easy to Use Money Manager

Do you have your favourite ones in your mind? Feel free to suggest them, I will add it to the list. Please bookmark this, this post is regularly updated. released series of Abstract Photoshop Brushes. These awesome brushes are free to use on your projects. The only requirement is a copy of Photoshop 7.0+ to use them. What are you waiting for now?

Requirements: Photoshop 7.0+
License: License Free
Yesterdat I was surfing on the internet and found this. It is time to have a fresh look of your feed icons. Zeus Box Studio released a set of gorgeous Feed Icons. It contain 34 icons in 32 and 16 pixels size. The icons use PNG format. They are licensed under Creative Common 3.0, you may use them in your website and projects.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: Creative Commons 3.0 License
Yotophoto is a search engine for free-to-use stock photographs and images. These are images that are either in the Public Domain or released under generous Creative Commons, GNU FDL or similar licenses. Originally an experiment to facilitate easier image searching of the Wikipedia, Yotophoto eventually expanded to index other well known free image sites. Today, Yotophoto indexes over a quarter million free images. They index various sources of free imagery on the web including Flickr, Wikipedia, Stock.Xchng, Morguefile, Pixelperfect Digital and OpenPhoto.
Requirements: No Requirements
License: Creative Commons License
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses. YUI version 2.3.0 has just released on July 31, 2007 with six new additions to the library as well as a new skinning architecture and a new visual treatment for most of our UI controls. The new features include Rich Text Editor, Base CSS, YUILoader Utility, ImageLoader Utility, Color Picker Control, YUI Test Utility.

Requirements: Modern Browsers
License: BSD License
aSSL is a library distributed under MIT License thats implements a technology similar to SSL without HTTPS. aSSL enables the client to negotiate a secret random 128-bit key with the server using the RSA algorithm. Once the connection has been established, the data will be sent and received using AES algorithm. aSSL is composed of some Javascript files and a server side component. A pure Javascript (ASP) server component is currently available. They will do a porting for the main web languages (PHP, Java, Perl, Python, TKL, etc.) as soon as possible once the aSSL has passed the beta phase.
Requirements: ASP Server
License: MIT License
Ryan Scherf visited a site which used a drag & drop type download system where you drag an icon over another, then the download immediately starts. He realized this would be easy with the onslaught of the prototype.js and scriptaculous frameworks. Ryan Scherf shows us an example of using the built in Ajax drag & drop for Draggables / Droppables included in scriptaculous to achieve Drag to Download with Ajax.

Requirements: Prototype and Scriptaculous Frameworks
License: License Free
Timeplot is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for plotting time series and overlay time-based events over them (with the same data formats that Timeline supports). Just like Timeline or Google Maps, Timeplot can be used with zero software installation, server-side or client-side. You can populate Timeplot with data by pointing it to an space or comma separated file. Timeplot also supports Timeline’s XML format, meaning that you can reuse the same data file of your Timeline and overlay them over a time series plot. It looks so specialized and works smoothly. It is a very great charts tool to represent complex data.

Requirements: Any Browsers supprts Javascript
License: BSD License