If you ever intend to develop a web application, I believe you have already had the idea what and how the application is. If this is not the case, I do not think meditations at home will help you to get amazing ideas. A web application will be constructive and productive only if they are innovative or tailor-made to demands. I prefer looking around to feel the trend and sense people’s need. There is also plenty of information at the internet. Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious is such a web site of revealing the trend of needs that I shall not miss.
Inspiration and Design
When the type of application you decided to develop has been finalized, the user interface and the homepage, i.e. the very first thing that users perceive, is the determinant factor whether your application will be successful or not. A good design of the homepage/user interface may attract and so retains users while a bad one shall repulse users forever. Inspiration may flash through your mind. Yet, a look at the high standard CSS Galleries, e.g. CSS Remix and CSS Mania will certainly provides you with much inspiration. You can also enjoy top quality web applications sites like Webware and SEOmoz’s Web 2.0 Awards and see how an intuitive, elegant and yet powerful web applications may be.
Choosing a Framework
Now that the design and features of your web application are ready, you then choose the best or your most familiar programming language to begin with. No matter what programming language you are going to use, I strongly suggest choose one with “frameworkâ€. Read the rest of this entry »
Sweet Titles Fading Tooptips is not a knock-off from NICE Titles nor is it trying to improve on Dunstan’s revised attempt. And it most definitely isn’t ripped from one of those event-handler infested scripts from Dynamic Drive . No. It’s none of those. Instead he had two goals for this script.
- Make the code cleaner and much more condense – with in fact – less code
- Improve the tooltip effect
Cool notable feature that Sweet Titles (as well as Nice Titles) has is that the JavaScript is unobtrusive which of course as we all know, in and of itself, improves accessibility. Another thing I like about Sweet Titles is the appearance of the tooltips, it looks very nice.

Requirements: Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://www.dustindiaz.com/sweet-titles/
License: Creative Commons License
We have mentioned earlier Ext is a JavaScript framework for building web applications. It has got some stunning UI components to aid your development. We can use Ext Framework to create Beautiful Ext Grid Tables easily. The tables provide the following features.
- Expander Rows, Collapse and Forse Fit
- Framed with Checkbox Selection and Horizontal Scrolling
- Grid with Numbered Rows
- Support for Panel Features such as Framing, Buttons and Toolbars

Requirements: Ext Framework
Demo: http://extjs.com/playpen/ext-2.0/examples/grid/grid3.html
License: LGPL License
Remember last we talked about Ajax Password Strength Meter by Code and Coffee which is not very useful because of the bad algorithm. Today we have a JQuery Password Strength Meter which is a small plug in that provides an easy way to show the strength of a users password as well. The algorithm seems to be a lot better than the last one and the Author said he is still improving the algorithm. JQuery Password Strength Meter provides some simple options that allow you to customize the output. You can define the strength of the meter easily by adjusting the score for each requirement.

Requirements: JQuery Framework
Demo: http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk/index.php?q=jquery-pstrength
License: MIT License
Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions can be a headache for freelancer. TelePro released a sample of Privacy Policy, Copyright Notice and Terms and Conditions for everyone to download without any charge or obligation. You can feel free to use them on your own projects. A link back to Free Website Legal Documents would be appreciated but is not required. On each Legal Document page there is a text symbol Legal Document text symbol and link at the top of the page, to view as plain text. Click the link to view or download the text as plain HTML.

Requirements: Link Back is Appreciated
Demo: http://www.tele-pro.co.uk/pages/legal/
License: License Free
Have you thought of using a set of round social bookmark icons? Vikiworks released a collection of social web application icons including Flickr, Digg, StumbleUpon, WordPress, Furl, Twitter, Windows live, Blinklist, Blogger, Lifelogger and etc… All icons are sized to 64*64 in PNG format and it’s great to use them on your website or blog. The whole collection is divided into two parts, Social Bookmark Iconset Part I and Social Bookmark Iconset Part II.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: Social Bookmark Iconset Part I
Demo: Social Bookmark Iconset Part II
License: License Free
Getting Real is the business, design, programming, and marketing philosophies of 37signals — a developer of web-based software used by over 1 million people and businesses in 70 countries. 37signals used the unconventional Getting Real process to launch five successful web-based applications (Basecamp, Campfire, Backpack, Writeboard, Ta-da List), and Ruby on Rails, an open-source web application framework, in just two years with no funding, no debt, and only 7 people.
Anyone working on a web app — including entrepreneurs, designers, programmers, executives, or marketers — will find value, fresh perspectives, and inspiration in this practical book. At under 200 pages it’s quick reading too. Makes a great airplane book. The complete book with 16 chapters and 91 essays is now Completely free to read online.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://gettingreal.37signals.com/toc.php
License: N/A

LinkWorth is one of the web’s largest and most innovative marketing portals that caters to both Advertisers and Partners. Their products consist of text link ads, paid blog reviews, in-text links, in-content pay per click ads, rotating text ads, hosted content pages, article submission, directory submission and many more. LinkWorth today is a steadily growing community housing thousands of partner website listings and advertisers ranging from the smallest of online companies to Fortune 500 companies like HP.
For Advertisers
- Buy ads and increase traffic, visibility and search positions
- SEO/SEM Consulting, Reputation Management
- Article Distribution, Directory Submission, Press Releases, Custom Content & more
- Huge inventory of publishers growing daily
- Perfect backend for Agencies to White Label or Add-on to existing services
- Use Control Center to manage one or all of your accounts with one login
For Partners:
- Sell ads and monetize your site with relatively little maintenance
- Earn up to 70% of ad revenue recurring monthly in most situations
- Get paid to blog and write reviews for products & services
- Tons of advertisers, from Fortune 500 to small businesses
- The more websites you list, the more money you earn
- Manage all of your published ads and websites with Control Center
*** LinkWorth has no longer have the bad design and confusing navigation in the Control Center anymore. They have just released the new design of Control Center today. I am impressed with the new great design.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: Sign up Now
License: N/A
Let me introduce you an extraordinary art design weblog. Design You Trust is a cool design weblog and design portfolio by Dmitry Utkin. You can see a lot of most stunning and attractive design for Web, Identity, Print, Graphic and Industrial. You would be amazed how talented they are by looking at those design and art. Trust me, they are the design you can trust. I am sure you can get lots of inspiration from there.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://designyoutrust.com
License: N/A
Jitsu contains an integrated set of tools to enable developers to build and deploy sophisticated user interfaces for web applications. These include an Xml markup language, page compiler, data binding engine, JavaScript runtime, control library, runtime inspector, animation engine, cross-platform library, Ajax, and back button support. Jitsu applications use DHTML and run in most modern web browsers.
As a startup with a consumer focus, their budget for software is minimal. They like free and open-source technologies like Apache, Linux, MySql. They couldn’t find any open source Ajax frameworks that supported compiled Xml and data binding. So they built their own, and released Jitsu under an open source license.
Jitsu is still in its infancy and the code provided is intended for evaluation and feedback only. They don’t feel that Jitsu today is suitable for use in a large-scale project. In the near future, they will release a Beta version of Jitsu that will be much more suitable as a building base.
Requirements: Any Modern Browsers
Demo: http://www.jitsu.org/jitsu/quicktours/index.html
License: MIT License