HostICan has a clean and simple Control Panel which is really user-friendly. It has a high allowance of disk space and unlimited monthly data transfer. They guarantee 99.99% uptime! They say “if our uptime isn’t 99.99% then we will give you a refund! and one year free!“. HostIcan team has won awards for swift ticket replies and good Customer Service. The cost of joing HostICan is quite cheap as well. If you signed up, your account will be activated instantly. Take a look at the hosting plans they offer.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: Sign Up Now
License: N/A
BittBox provides a lot of free and original source files of photoshop brushes. You are free to use Bittbox files in posters, website designs, cd covers, postcards, annuals, flyers, business cards, branding, . . . DESIGN. Here are some of his photoshop brushes.

- Free Illustrator Brushes: Teardrop Foliage
- Free High-Res Grunge Ink Splatter Brushes
- Free High-Res Photoshop Brushes – Leaves
- Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes Set II
- Free Hi-Res Splatter Photoshop Brushes
- Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes
- 30 Illustrator Pattern Brushes for Making Flowers and Circular Designs
Apart from these stunning brushes, there are a lot of free to download design elements and vectors. I am sure you will be amazed how useful they are.
Requirements: See License Agreement
License: Creative Commons License
Fast Icon released many sets of quality icons. The FastIcons’s Free Icons are available for download as standard Mac or Windows icons as well as a handy PNG files for Linux, web or blogs. They are FREEWARE and property of You have to maintain an operable link to

Requirements: Required Backlink
License: License Free
SlickSpeed CSS Selectors Test tests the CSS selectors in every browser, whether or not the browser included xpath. It is written in simple PHP and plain JavaScript. No framework is used in the suite JavaScript file, as the point of it is to test frameworks against each other. This avoids favoritism. Also, each framework runs in its own iframe, so no prototyping conflicts can happen. So that we can have a rough idea of the speed of running the CSS selectors.


Still paying for your photos and images? Forget royalty-free – try totally-FREE. Photogen stock photos are now Free for commercial and personal use. The Photogen Free stock photo gallery is constantly being updated with new photos and images. All images are checked for quality and suitability before going live on the site.
Requirements: Terms of Use
License: License Free
Dojo is an Open Source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript. Dojo allows you to easily build dynamic capabilities into web pages and any other environment that supports JavaScript sanely. With Dojo you can build degradable user interfaces more easily, prototype interactive widgets quickly, and animate transitions. Dojo’s event system, I/O APIs, and generic language enhancement form the basis of a powerful programming environment. When you write scripts with Dojo, you can include as little or as much of the available APIs as you need to suit your needs.
Requirements: Safari 2.0.x, Opera 9.0+, Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 1+, Konqueror 3.5+
License: Academic Free License, BSD License
FoldSpy is a tool for finding out the actual dimensions of your visitor’s browser window. It gives you access to this data and presents it in completely new way, the data from FoldSpy is overlayed on your site. FoldSpy is most useful for people who need real data to make important layout decisions. It can answer questions like “where do I put this ad if I want 85% of my visitors to see it without scrolling?†Now, you can find the answer in seconds and because the FoldSpy data is displayed in-place, on your site, the answer can be viewed in a way that’s most useful.

Requirements: Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
License: License Free
Urban Fonts has an amazing collection of over 8,000 free fonts for you to download fonts. You can customize the look of the font previews by typing your own text in the input text field provided in all the font pages, or switch to an alphabetical view. The Names button switches your preview back to the name of the font. The colors of the text and background can be easily changed using the built in color picker. Urban Fonts also lets you choose how many fonts you’d like to have displayed in your page.
Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free

SEOmoz’s Web 2.0 Awards reviewed hundreds of sites in the Web 2.0 sphere to uncover the best in each of 41 categories, e.g. Business, Blog Guides, Real Estate, Web Development and Design, Mashups and Marketing,etc. From there, they assembled a team of 25 of the most knowledgeable, well-respected experts in the field to vote on the winners. Do enjoy the best of web 2.0!
Requirements: No Requirements
License: N/A
WebSnapr lets you capture screenshots/thumbnails of almost any web page. Let your visitors to instantly visualize any web page before clicking. WebSnapr also provides us the WebSnapr Preview Bubble which is a simple, unobtrusive script used to display an overlay bubble showing a hyperlink target thumbnail using WebSnapr. It’s a snap to setup which can increase site traffic, click-through rate and site stickiness.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free