Solutoire took part of PlotKit and wrote some parts himself, then made Plotr which does not need the Mochikit library to work with. It is also a lightweight charting framework with only 12kb. There are more than 30 options for you to customize the chart. Like PlotKit, you can display Pie Charts, Line Charts and Bar/Column Charts.

Requirements: Firefox 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+, IE6+ (emulated)
License: BSD License
PlotKit is a Chart and Graph Plotting Library for Javascript. It has support for HTML Canvas and also SVG via Adobe SVG Viewer and native browser support. It is fully documented and easy to use.

Requirements: HTML Canvas: Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Firefox 1.5+, IE 6
Requirements: SVG: Opera 9+, Firefox 1.5+ (see note), IE6 with Adobe SVG.
License: BSD License
Are you having difficulty of seperating objects from an image background or basic layer? Planet Renders are offering to save you time and money by performing this task for you, allowing you (or your designers) to spend more time on the creative aspect of your project.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free
WYSIWYG is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get, users can edit and format what they typed from the textarea and view something very similar to the end result. TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.

Requirements: Mozilla, MSIE, FireFox, Opera and Safari
License: LGPL License
Stock.XCHNG is a leading FREE stock photo site. Browse through the categories of the huge gallery containing over 250.000 quality stock photos by more than 25.000 photographers! Need a pic for your commercial website design? Looking for inspiration? Take a look at Stock.XCHNG.
Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free
We need some professional and high quality stock photos for our web site. provides us a free stock photos gallery. Browse and search the photo gallery of over 7.000 royalty free, high resolution stock photos, templates and logos to use in your personal and educational design projects.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: Free for Personal, Educational and Non-Profit Projects
SmoothGallery is a javascript gallery and slideshow system using MooTools. It allows you to have simple and cross-fading image galleries, timed slideshows and showcases.Unlike Lightbox 2, you can define the time of switching pictures automatically.And also, you can jump to a specific picture from the pictures menu and do not need to flick through all pictures in between.

Requirements: Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer 6.0+
License: GPL License has a resource for deliciously pixellated patterns for your projects. There are over 900 patterns for you to choose from. Most of them are free to use, but please remeber to read the usage-guidelines for each individual pattern.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free (Usage-Guidelines for each individual pattern)
The owber of Squidfingers is a graphic designer with 11 years web development experience.He shares us a collection of his unique and gorgeous patterns. There are over 190 patterns for you to choose from. They are all free to download but backlink is appreciated.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free provides us a collection of Lines, Dotted, Squares, Classic, Dirty, Funky and Real patterns for your web site. Simply select, preview and download your favourite ones.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free